How to Get the Most Value Out of Security Investments

Getting the most value out of your security investments requires security awareness training, reducing legacy solutions, and leveraging automation.

1 min. read

1. Invest in security awareness training across all levels of the organization

Employee awareness and training is key to stopping negligence, as it historically has been a successful attack vector into an organization. Educating company personnel will make an attacker’s job harder, and they will be less likely to succeed.


2. Replace duplicate and legacy technology with platforms that natively work together

Since individual, siloed products don’t communicate with one another, utilizing them increases costs and creates gaps that can be exploited.


3. Leverage automation in your defenses to reduce the burden on security teams

Security teams can spend a vast majority of their time pouring over alerts and logs. If automation is incorporated into the security platform to enable low-level threats to be blocked, their time is freed up to focus on more critical issues.