Palo Alto Networks to Showcase IoT Honeypot Research at Black Hat 2017

Jul 20, 2017
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Black Hat 2017 kicks off next week, and we’re honored to have been selected to showcase our research on the Internet of Things and honeypot technologies for connected devices!

The explosion of connected devices, along with the lack of IoT security standards, has drastically increased the attack surface of the enterprise, leaving organizations in every industry with unprecedented security risks. Never has the need been greater for efficient and cost-effective methods to identify critical vulnerabilities in IoT devices and address them before attackers do.

Join our cybersecurity experts at Black Hat 2017 as they discuss:

  • Innovative ways to build honeypots for IoT devices
  • Automated approaches to gathering the behavioral knowledge of IoT devices
  • Multiple machine learning techniques to improve the quality and quantity of IoT honeypots

You’ll learn how organizations can adapt honeypots to improve the security of IoT devices, as well as leverage honeypot technology to improve network, endpoint and cloud security.

IoTCandyJar: Towards an Intelligent-Interaction Honeypot for IoT Devices

  • Presenters: Tongbo Luo, Zhaoyan Xu, Xin Ouyang, and Xing Jin
  • Time and Location: Thursday, July 27, at 5 p.m. in Lagoon ABCGHI

In addition to attending our IoT briefing session, be sure to join us in the Expo Hall on Wednesday, July 26, and Thursday, July 27, to learn about the exciting things Palo Alto Networks has to offer.

On Wednesday, Scott Simkin (Sr. Group Manager, Threat Intelligence Cloud) will be discussing the future of the threat landscape in “The Coming Disruption in Security” in Business Hall Theater B starting at 3 p.m.

On both days, you can drop by Booth #1016 to learn about:

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